• Mt Adams Cloaked UFO Base?

    Mt Adams Cloaked UFO Base?15

    • November 19, 2012

    Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily has posted to You Tube what his analysis determines to be a cloaked alien UFO base on the slopes of Mt Adams, Washington. I had read about and researched the UFO Sightings at the ECETI ranch for many years and finally found a satellite map that would allow me

  • Physicist Postulates Reality Of Call Of Chtulhu

    Physicist Postulates Reality Of Call Of Chtulhu5

    • November 5, 2012

    In the tradition of Albert Einstein’s thought experiment, Theoretical Physicist and Mathmetician Benjamin Tippett has wondered what would have to be the case for what is very possibly H.P. Lovecraft’s most disturbing story, “The Call of Cthulhu” to be true? “The most merciful thing in the world… is the inability of the human mind to

  • Brazilian “Roswell” Revealed As Hoax

    Brazilian “Roswell” Revealed As Hoax22

    • November 3, 2012

    Back in May Javier brought us the This Story about reports of the capture of an ET in Varginha Brazil on the scale of the Roswell incident, and a SyFy channel documentary that calls many of the “facts” in the case into question. Appearance of Stanton Friedman in this documentary by itself lends about as

  • I Want To Believe

    I Want To Believe2

    • November 2, 2012

    We post UFO stories, we post Ghost stories, we post Cryptid stories. We post serious questions, we post satirical opinions, we post unexplainable phenomena, and we post skeptical inquiries. I am guessing there is probably a decent overlap of fans of Ghost Theory and fans of “The X Files.” Today I am just posting something

  • Yeti DNA Results from Russia

    Yeti DNA Results from Russia9

    • November 2, 2012

    Russia, even after the break up of the Soviet Union, is a really very big place with lots of open space. Lots. Plenty of places for, among other things, Yetis to hide in. Just a little over a year ago, a joint Russian/American expedition to Azassky cave in Siberia’s Kemerovo region documented footprints and hair

  • Iron Nazi Space Buddha: Likely Fake!

    Iron Nazi Space Buddha: Likely Fake!2

    • October 30, 2012

    What is the world coming to when you cannot trust Nazis? They may have been racist, murdering, imperialist, sociopathic, warmongering blowhards, but darn it all, they got things done! And they kept meticulous records, and THAT apparently was their downfall in this follow up to an earlier story: Iron Nazi Buddha From Space As it

  • Egyptian Alien Mummy Photo Released

    Egyptian Alien Mummy Photo Released11

    • October 25, 2012

    “Alien” bodies have been found around the world dating back hundreds and thousands of years. There are old rumors of one being found in Egypt, mummified with the Pharaoh it served. Rumors were all until now. Our old friend, Unnamed Source has gone public with pictures. You can check out the story at Before It’s

  • Talent Wanted

    Talent Wanted3

    • October 20, 2012

    From time to time, the world of the unexplained and inexplicable offers up a rare opportunity. Thus far in my experience there has been a house offered as reward for proof of the existence of Bigfoot, and recently an IPO investment opportunity for proof of Bigfoot. Today I bring you your chance to be a

  • Blimpin’ For Bigfoot

    Blimpin’ For Bigfoot1

    • October 16, 2012

    While trail cams if only by their very inflexibility have, to date, proven only their complete unreliability, and/or Bigfoots have proved to be not so very foolish as to stand for group pictures, a remotely controlled mobile camera may stand a better chance of capturing the next level of evidence of the existence of Bigfoot.

  • Did Israel Shoot A UFO?

    Did Israel Shoot A UFO?25

    • October 14, 2012

    Reports are coming out that Israel may have shot down a UFO. Radar reported an incursion into their airspace from over the Mediterranean, assumed to be a Lebanese unmanned aerial drone. Israel is highly protective of their airspace as at fighter jet speeds it takes about fifteen minutes to reach any significant target and so

  • Here’s Looking At You!

    Here’s Looking At You!3

    • October 13, 2012

    When we dream of being the one to find that keystone piece of evidence of a cryptid, there is usually a body of some sort associated with the glorious event. Perhaps a great story of being chased by Bigfoot through the woods and leading him into some sort of live trap. Maybe plunking your line

  • Ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs, Are All Real…IF…

    Ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs, Are All Real…IF…13

    • October 12, 2012

    …If none of us are real, if in fact we are all part of a big computer simulation as researchers are trying to determine. According to the Physics ARVIX Blog, and using the premise that Moore’s Law holds valid. Holy Matrix Batman! Anyone want to try and hack “God’s” Sys-op sign on? For those of