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    I write about all things creepy and strange. My book based on the real haunting of Doris Bither (The Entity 1982 movie) will be released soon. Got a question? Drop me a line: xavier @ ghosttheory.com

Author's Posts

  • Oxford University: Collateral Hominid Project

    Oxford University: Collateral Hominid Project5

    The Collateral Hominid Project is Oxford University’s project to help identify the so-called “cryptid” animals that are said to roam the planet. Chupacabras, Nessie, and especially Bigfoot samples are welcomed by the project as long as they’re organic samples. This project is to identify the genetic make-up of such creatures. Which is good news to

  • Neurologist Examines The “Ghost Box”

    Neurologist Examines The “Ghost Box”14

    Dr. Novella is a Neurologist at the Yale University School of Medicine, as well as the president of the New England Skeptical Society. He recently published an article on NeuroLogica about the pseudoscience that ghost hunting is and especially the use of the infamous ‘Ghost Box’ or ‘Frank’s Box’. What does Dr. Novella think about

  • L.A.’s “Haunted” Hospital Becomes Senior Living Home

    L.A.’s “Haunted” Hospital Becomes Senior Living Home2

    The infamous “Haunted hospital” in Los Angeles will soon be getting a facelift. The 107 year old Linda Vista Community Hospital has been the focus of a rash of recent paranormal investigations. After the hospital closed its doors nearly 25 years ago, urban legends and paranormal rumors have become synonymous with the building. A new

  • The Varginha UFO Incident

    The Varginha UFO Incident9

    1996 Varginha, Brazil. Several residents of the small town reported seeing strange and terrifying humanoid creatures crawling about their town. The Brazilian government had been receiving reports of strange lights in the night sky several days earlier, but it wasn’t until the calls from the townsfolk that sent the government scattering to Varginha. The reports


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