• Nexian: DMT Magazine

    Nexian: DMT Magazine0

    • February 15, 2014

    As states across the US are following a trend in legalizing marijuana, it seems likely that a national legalization will at some point follow. There are nearly a dozen publications in print or online that have been dedicated to marijuana culture. Marijuana is no longer alone in getting its own word out there. DMT (Dimethyltryptamine)

  • Raleigh UFOs

    Raleigh UFOs3

    • February 14, 2014

    The following report is posted on the National UFO Reporting Center website Raleigh, North Carolina, Thursday, January 23, 2014, @ 12:00 hrs. (EST)—A man is awaiting a job interview, and steps out on the veranda of the waiting room.  He sees, and photographs, four discs in the noontime sky.  The witness was standing outdoors, so

  • Giants In America

    Giants In America11

    • February 14, 2014

    Stone Builders and Giants Of Ancient Americas has a FaceBook Page and they have recently posted a map compiling all the “giants” reported found in the US, with a few thrown in from Canada and Mexico for good measure. The attached photo is a Google earth map made by researcher Cecelia Hall who has graciously

  • Fire In The Sky

    Fire In The Sky3

    • February 11, 2014

    One of our FaceBook followers alerted me to this story Published on Feb 11, 2014 Bruce York says he’s seen comments on Facebook from all over the world. WMTW News 8’s Jim Keithley reports. Here is a transcript of the video. Apologies for the caps, but that is how the text version of this is

  • A Giant Awakes?

    A Giant Awakes?7

    • February 8, 2014

    Featured heavily in the movie 2012, as what is called a super volcano, Yellowstone does pose a potential threat to a significant portion of the United States. Now is it starting to rumble? From Sheep No More Andrew Pontbriand February 3, 2014 A seismometer inside a borehole at Yellowstone National Park has begun reporting staggering

  • Paracas Skulls: DNA Update  NEW INFO!

    Paracas Skulls: DNA Update NEW INFO!15

    • February 5, 2014

    Just last week I brought you a story about the Paracas Skulls of Peru. Today preliminary results have been announced revealing that the skulls may well be a different species than modern Human. From AncientOrigins.Net DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull finally complete – with incredible results By April Holloway It is well-known that most

  • Meet The Contributors

    Meet The Contributors0

    • February 4, 2014

    Lindsay and I will be interviewed Wednesday Feb 4th 2014 on ParaScience Journal with George Stadalski, on the Global Radio Alliance. The show starts at 9pm Eastern time, and we will be on about halfway through. George will be interviewing us live about Ghost Theory, and what we do. Parascience Journal is a weekly internet

  • Arizona UFO Report

    Arizona UFO Report2

    • February 4, 2014

    This recent image is making the rounds of UFO reporting sites of a “massive flying saucer” hovering over Scottsdale, Arizona. Before you blow up (and obviously manipulate in Photoshop) this image it looks like a cloud. That this image has had color change done, and a contrast enhancement which brightens the bright spots making them

  • Is This Sasquatch? New Video From Alberta

    Is This Sasquatch? New Video From Alberta13

    • January 31, 2014

    A new video uploaded to YouTube shows a strange creature near a creek in Calgary, a province of Alberta. The video purportedly shows a bipedal creature hunkering down near the water before walking back and disappearing into the tree line. At that moment, you hear the voice of a small child say “What is that?

  • Bridge To Sri Lanka?

    Bridge To Sri Lanka?4

    • January 31, 2014

    This story is fascinating if there is any truth to it. From Alien Disclosure Group’s UK Blog 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge between Sri Lanka and India NASA has imaged a mysterious ancient bridge between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge was purportedly passable on foot until 1480 AD when a cyclone moved the sand

  • Jesus On Toast

    Jesus On Toast1

    • January 30, 2014

    Jesus has made appearances to the faithful on many inanimate objects over the years. From clouds… to windows… to tortillas… to a brick wall. Now you too can greet your saviour every morning and smear his face with butter and jam with… The Jesus Toaster.     The Jesus Toaster “Normal toasters are tamed and

  • Warning Signs?

    Warning Signs?4

    • January 28, 2014

    The Catholic Church is rife with Symbolism. It has been a rather notable matter of contention between them and various other sects of the Christian tradition. A few recent news stories, if viewed as a whole, and from a Catholic perspective would seem to be sending a message. From The Telegraph: Rio de Janeiro’s Christ