• Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Results Accepted at ZooBank

    Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Results Accepted at ZooBank8

    • October 23, 2013

    OFFICIAL- ACCEPTED homo Sapiens Cognatus- Bigfoot !!!!!!!!!! ZooBank– Melba Ketchum What does that mean? Cognatus is from the Latin which essentially means “related by blood.” As for the establishment of a nomenclature…that takes place at an online registry called ZooBank which is an adjunct to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature or ICZN. From ZooBank

  • Ketchum Goes Public With Novel Hominim DNA Paper; This Time FREE

    Ketchum Goes Public With Novel Hominim DNA Paper; This Time FREE1

    • October 10, 2013

    It is available for free now for the armchair Genetecist. I look forward to hearing from GT readers. Sasquatchgenomeproject.org I am not offering opinions on this as I am far from qualified to read it, let alone analyze it. I merely make it available for the widest study possible. This may just be one more

  • A Human Ape

    A Human Ape0

    • April 14, 2013

    As the scientific debate wages, largely behind closed doors, about the controversial findings of Dr Ketchum regarding the questionable DNA findings of the parentage of Sasquatch, new evidence comes to light regarding what may be hybridization or mutation among older primates. From Yahoo News Scientists have gained new insights into an extinct South African creature

  • Leaked Stills Of Bigfoot Matilda?

    Leaked Stills Of Bigfoot Matilda?3

    • February 25, 2013

    Well, it seems I’m going to have to jump into this Matilda thing after all. It was a few months back that The Erickson Project released a still of what they called a “sleeping Bigfoot” which they named “Matilda”. Of course, that wasn’t enough as many in the field scoffed at the image. Move forward

  • Bigfoot Witnessed in Texas

    Bigfoot Witnessed in Texas20

    • February 21, 2013

    Yes, we are all getting pretty fed up with the Ketchum soap opera and who could blame us. Why can’t anything be on the up and up? If there’s DNA evidence, put it out there and let the public absorb it. If you have video of a young female sleeping and then getting up and

  • Ketchum Results Second Review?

    Ketchum Results Second Review?6

    • February 15, 2013

    Dr. Melba Ketchum has been receiving a lot of criticism lately. You think? A significant portion of that criticism on the public side is the $30 fee to download the publication of her DNA study. According to Dr. Ketchum’s Facebook Page Melba Ketchum To all submitters: Please do not buy the paper, we are trying

  • Bigfoot, Back And Forth

    Bigfoot, Back And Forth1

    • December 27, 2012

    I hope all have had a happy holiday and eaten their fill. For those who have not been following the continuing soap opera that is the bigfoot DNA story here is an an update. Perhaps coming as a surprise to no one, and despite Justin Smeja’s boasts and protestations that he is an expert bear

  • Results Of Sierra Kills DNA Allegedly Leaked: Unknown Primate16

    • December 8, 2011

    Apparently a guy who knows a guy claims that his source is privy to the goings on with DNA testing on the Sierra Kills flesh sample. They call it a steak but I am a bit reluctant to use that term. This source says that all testing has been completed by 8 different and unique


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