• Greetings to Everyone on the World UFO Day

    Greetings to Everyone on the World UFO Day2

    • July 2, 2014

    Greetings, everyone! Today’s July 2nd, the World UFO Day. This is the day when UFO enthusiasts around the globe join together to celebrate a monumental event in Ufological history, the day of the famous Roswell UFO Crash. While July 2nd is the date internationally recognized, in some places June 24th is celebrated as the World

  • Alien Conspiracy Unveiled

    Alien Conspiracy Unveiled8

    • June 30, 2014

    According to information in an article by Derek Thompson at The Atlantic Monthly, alien visitors have been exploiting us for decades. Making use of human weaknesses to carry out their insidious deeds right under our noses, in a manner guaranteed to not only sow doubt upon those who report their presence, but to cause serious

  • Aussie Report Of Near Collision With UFO: Updated with a question

    Aussie Report Of Near Collision With UFO: Updated with a question4

    • May 28, 2014

    There seems to be a recent increase in UFO sightings around the world, and one interesting one from Down Under. The Australian Transportation Safety Board has the following report. Near collision between an unknown object and De Havilland DHC-8, VH-XFX, Perth Airport, Western Australia on 19 March 2014 Investigation number: AO-2014-052 On 19 March 2014,

  • Bob Lazar 25 Years Later

    Bob Lazar 25 Years Later9

    • May 15, 2014

      He really has nothing more to say than he ever has, except for a little bit of back peddling. Even compulsive conspiracy believer Stanton Friedman can’t get behind Lazar. I am not certain whether that discredits Lazar, or stems from Friedman being jealous of someone who might really know what is going on, but

  • Deep Throat of UFOs8

    • April 23, 2014

    In this video a (presumed) dying man claims to have been involved in UFO investigations, cover-ups, and Eisenhower’s plan to “invade” Area 51, and throws some Men In Black in there for good measure. As we are given no evidence of this man’s credentials or condition to back up that this is an actual death

  • Triangle Aircraft Photographed

    Triangle Aircraft Photographed8

    • April 21, 2014

    A triangle-shaped UFO was photographed flying over Texas a few weeks ago and it generated a slight buzz. This week, another photograph of the mysterious craft has surfaced. This time from the state of Kansas. Shot by a professional photographer Jeff Templin, the image clearly shows the triangular craft zooming through the sky, leaving faint

  • Yellow Book; An Alien History

    Yellow Book; An Alien History4

    • April 16, 2014

    In my last post, regarding cattle mutilations and the supposed reasons for those, there was reference to a text called The Yellow Book. This is a subject I have tripped across more than once recently so I decided to dig a little and see what I could find. First of all, What is The Yellow

  • Black Ring Over England Sky. Nothing But Smoke

    Black Ring Over England Sky. Nothing But Smoke1

    • April 15, 2014

    The video of a strange looking black ring in the sky over England is making its way through the various streams of social media. The video shows a dark smoke ring gliding effortlessly just above the English streets, causing headlines to blow up with references to UFO or ghostly activity. “It was just floating there

  • Cattle Mutilations

    Cattle Mutilations1

    • April 13, 2014

    The phenomenon of cattle mutilation has long been a topic of conjecture and debate in UFO circles, as well as government conspiracists. LisaHaven, like many others ties both together. The main interest to Aliens, (we talk specifically about Regelians) is breeding, with humans of course. They need the cattle’s tissues because they have the same

  • Lockheed Martin: Advanced Aeronautics Promo Video

    Lockheed Martin: Advanced Aeronautics Promo Video7

    • April 6, 2014

    I was browsing the web and happened to run into this 2014 promotional video from Lockheed Martin. It was far more advanced than the videos made with Unlimited Graphic Design Services. The ‘Advanced Aeronautics’ video showcases the corporation’s take on what’s to come. Let me tell you, it’s right out of a science fiction book.

  • Former ISS Commander Opens Up About 2005 UFO Sighting

    Former ISS Commander Opens Up About 2005 UFO Sighting21

    • March 28, 2014

    Astronaut Leroy Chiao was on his last spacewalk mission after six and a half months as the commander of the International Space Station. He was accompanied by cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and were on a mission to install a few navigation antennas. As the pair floated 230 miles above the Earth Chiao spotted five bright lights

  • Dulce New Mexico

    Dulce New Mexico1

    • March 26, 2014

    Cattle mutilations, abductions, alien/human hybrids, Reptilians, Greys, mind manipulation experiments, underground bases, murder and cover-ups. The Dulce Papers story has it all. Central to the story of Dulce is Thomas Costello, or Castello, depending on the source you find. Castello is the named source of the much talked about but rarely, if ever seen “Dulce


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